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Is your soul longing to be satisfied? Whether you’re in a transition, faced with a life altering decision, feeling stuck or simply exploring what’s next, the answers lie within. Our work together will deepen your communication with Source giving you clarity on your next inspired steps.

“Heartfelt, insightful and spiritually grounded, Janice offers guidance that is unmatched.”

“Janice is, hands down, one of the best teachers I have ever had.”

“Janice has a subtle way of nudging you to see the answers you already knew were there.”

“Receive Your Life has ushered me into more of who I really am. I’m happier and I feel free. I’m no longer living out of fear and scarcity.”

“At the end of a coaching session with Janice there is light, possibility, expansiveness and joy!”

“My life has changed dramatically. I’m lighter, less stressed and clearer about what is and what isn’t mine to do.”

“I’ve been on a spiritual path most of my adult life. This is different. Working with Janice has been a paradigm shift.”

“Janice is masterful at getting right to the core issue in her coaching.”

“Janice pierced right through to the heart of my concern so quickly that I might have felt uncomfortable if it weren’t for this huge wave of love and respect I felt from her.”

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