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The Manifestation Map

The Manifestation Map diagrams where you are in consciousness at any particular moment. When you feel yourself being pulled you are in alignment with your true Self and are in the process of manifesting your heart’s desire. You feel traction and connected to life. It feels good to be sharing the love that you are. When you feel a push it is an indication that in that moment you are living from your compromised self. We feel a push when we are withholding our true Self.

We withhold the gift that we are when we have a misunderstanding of our value. When we believe we are not enough or too much we tend to describe ourselves in a negative way. When we harmonize with this negative descriptor we gather evidence that it is true and it feels constrictive. Whenever we are diminishing ourselves or another person it is not based on the truth of who we are or of who they are. Living from our compromised self is painful and we end up manifesting less than our heart’s desire.


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